25 Best Lead Generation Strategies For Manufacturers, In Order Of Effectiveness

25 Best Lead Generation Strategies For Manufacturers, In Order Of Effectiveness

We put together a list of the 25 best lead generation strategies for manufacturing companies, ranked in order of effectiveness, to provide a comprehensive guide for those eager to elevate their business in this fiercely competitive market.

In the dynamic and challenging world of manufacturing, the race to secure new business and foster lasting relationships is more competitive than ever. As technology continues to revolutionize industries, manufacturing companies are not just battling on the production floor but also in the digital arena, vying for the attention of potential clients and partners.

The age-old methods of lead generation, while still holding value, are now complemented by a plethora of innovative strategies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of the manufacturing sector. From the bustling floors of trade shows to the intricate algorithms of search engine optimization, the quest for leads has become a multifaceted endeavor, demanding a blend of traditional outreach and cutting-edge digital tactics.

Here’s a list of the 25 best lead generation strategies for manufacturing companies, ordered in terms of general effectiveness based on industry trends and best practices:

  1. Trade Shows & Industry Events: Attend and exhibit at industry-specific events to showcase products and meet potential leads in person.
  2. B2B Content Marketing: Create technical whitepapers, case studies, and articles that address industry challenges and solutions.
  3. Referral Programs: Encourage existing clients to refer potential leads in exchange for incentives.
  4. Email Marketing: Send targeted email campaigns showcasing new products, innovations, and company news.
  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the company website for industry-specific keywords to attract organic traffic.
  6. Product Demonstrations: Offer live or virtual product demos to showcase the capabilities and benefits of your manufacturing solutions.
  7. Networking: Build relationships with industry peers, suppliers, and distributors to generate referrals.
  8. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Run targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads to drive traffic to product pages or landing pages.
  9. Industry Directories & Listings: Ensure your company is listed in industry-specific directories and online platforms.
  10. Cold Outreach: Use targeted email or phone campaigns to reach potential leads, focusing on how your solutions can address their challenges.
  11. Webinars: Host webinars on industry trends, challenges, and your solutions.
  12. Social Media Marketing: Engage with potential leads on platforms like LinkedIn, which is particularly effective for B2B industries.
  13. Retargeting Campaigns: Target website visitors who didn’t convert initially, reminding them of your offerings.
  14. Customer Testimonials & Case Studies: Showcase success stories to build trust and credibility.
  15. Affiliate & Partner Programs: Collaborate with complementary businesses to co-promote products or services.
  16. Video Marketing: Create videos showcasing manufacturing processes, product features, and client testimonials.
  17. Local SEO: Optimize for local searches if you serve specific regions or want to target local businesses.
  18. Interactive Content: Develop product configurators, calculators, or interactive demos to engage potential leads.
  19. Chatbots & Live Chat: Implement real-time chat options on your website to answer queries instantly.
  20. Direct Mail: Send personalized catalogs, brochures, or product samples to potential leads.
  21. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with industry experts or influencers to tap into their audience.
  22. Online Workshops: Organize workshops addressing industry challenges and how your products offer solutions.
  23. Community & Forum Engagement: Participate in industry-specific forums and online communities.
  24. QR Codes: Use QR codes in offline advertising or at trade shows to direct potential leads to online resources.
  25. Voice Search Optimization: Optimize content for voice search, especially for mobile users on the go.

It’s important to note that while this order is based on general industry trends and best practices, the actual effectiveness can vary based on the specific nature of the manufacturing company, its target audience, and other factors. It’s always recommended to test, measure, and adjust strategies based on the unique needs and results of each company.

Also checkout “Our Top 40 Marketing Tactics For Manufacturers

Marketing for Manufacturers: Our Top 40 Marketing Tactics for Manufacturers

Marketing for Manufacturers: Our Top 40 Marketing Tactics for Manufacturers

In today’s competitive landscape, effective marketing is crucial for driving growth, attracting new customers, and maintaining a strong presence in the industry. When marketing for manufacturers of any size these marketing tactics for will provide you with actionable strategies to enhance your marketing efforts and stand out from the crowd.

From leveraging digital marketing channels to building strong partnerships and optimizing your online presence, these tips cover a wide range of marketing techniques designed to help you reach your target audience, showcase your manufacturing capabilities, and drive business success. You’ll discover the importance of understanding your target market, creating compelling content, utilizing social media platforms, and maximizing search engine visibility.

Marketing for Manufacturers

We’ll explore the significance of providing exceptional customer service, leveraging industry expertise, and staying up to date with the latest manufacturing trends. You’ll also find guidance on building a strong brand, utilizing visual content, harnessing the power of online reviews, and making data-driven decisions. Whether you’re a marketing novice or a seasoned professional, these tactical tips will provide you with valuable insights and strategies to elevate your marketing efforts and thrive in the competitive manufacturing industry.

Here’s our list of 40 marketing tactics for manufacturing businesses…

  1. Clearly define your target market: Understand the specific industries, sectors, or customer segments that are most likely to benefit from your manufactured products or solutions.
  2. Develop a strong value proposition: Clearly communicate the unique value and benefits your manufacturing business offers to customers. Highlight how your products or services solve their pain points or address their needs. Even if you already have a strong UVP (Unique Value Proposition , it should be reviewed and possibly revised to change with the times. Read our “4 Steps To A Powerful Value Proposition…”
  3. Leverage content marketing: Create informative and valuable content related to your industry or products. This could include blog posts, whitepapers, videos, or tutorials that establish your expertise and attract potential customers.
  4. Showcase your expertise: Position yourself as an industry expert by speaking at conferences, participating in industry events, or publishing thought leadership articles. This helps build credibility and trust in your manufacturing business.
  5. Utilize social media: Identify the social media platforms where your target audience is active and engage with them regularly. Share industry news, product updates, behind-the-scenes content, and interact with followers.
  6. Make sure your website is top notch: A user-friendly website that showcases your manufacturing capabilities, product catalog, case studies, and contact information is a must. Trends change quickly and a website that was cutting edge 5 years ago may be embarrassing today. Stay on top of it.
  7. Optimize for local search: If your manufacturing business has a physical location, optimize your online presence for local search. Claim your business on Google My Business, list accurate contact details, and encourage customers to leave reviews.
  8. Implement search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website and content with relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to improve your organic search rankings. Consider hiring an SEO expert if needed.
  9. Leverage online directories: List your manufacturing business on relevant online directories and industry-specific platforms. This increases your online visibility and makes it easier for potential customers to find you. Here’s a list of 12 directories to get listed on.
  10. Develop customer case studies: Highlight successful projects or partnerships with clients and leverage case studies. Showcase the specific challenges you helped solve and the positive outcomes achieved.
  11. Provide exceptional customer service: Strive to exceed customer expectations by offering prompt communication, addressing concerns or issues promptly, and maintaining a strong focus on customer satisfaction. 
  12. Network with industry peers: Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and events to network with potential customers, suppliers, and industry experts. Build relationships and explore collaboration opportunities.
  13. Offer product demonstrations: If feasible, provide hands-on product demonstrations to potential customers. This allows them to experience the quality and functionality of your manufacturing offerings firsthand. During the pandemic, many companies developed in-house product demonstration studios with full video streaming capabilities so they could deliver live demos via Zoom or similar. Companies that we spoke to found it so effective that they still use this approach because it works so well and it cuts down on travel time. 
  14. Emphasize quality and reliability: Highlight the quality standards, certifications, or industry-specific compliance your manufacturing business adheres to. Position yourself as a reliable and trustworthy provider. Spread the word across all marketing channels.
  15. Leverage online advertising: Consider using online advertising channels such as Google Ads, social media advertising, or industry-specific platforms to reach a wider audience and generate leads.
  16. Implement email marketing: Build an email list of interested prospects and customers, and regularly send them targeted newsletters, product updates, and special offers to stay top of mind.
  17. Build strategic partnerships: Collaborate with complementary businesses, suppliers, or distributors to expand your reach and tap into new markets. Seek mutually beneficial partnerships that can drive growth.
  18. Monitor industry trends: Stay informed about the latest trends, innovations, and market demands in the manufacturing sector. Adapt your offerings and marketing strategies accordingly to stay competitive.
  19. Attend trade shows and exhibitions: Participate in relevant trade shows and exhibitions to showcase your manufacturing capabilities and network with potential customers and partners.
  20. Use video marketing: Create engaging videos that showcase your manufacturing processes, product demonstrations, customer testimonials, or company culture. Share these videos on your website and social media platforms.
  21. Offer incentives or referral programs: Encourage satisfied customers to refer new clients by offering incentives, discounts, or rewards. Word-of-mouth referrals can be powerful in the manufacturing industry. Check out buyapowa.com for lots of great referral ideas.
  22. Leverage online reviews and testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials on platforms like Google, industry-specific directories, and social media. Positive reviews and testimonials can build trust and credibility for your manufacturing business.
  23. Invest in visual content: Use high-quality images, infographics, and product videos to showcase your manufacturing capabilities and products. Visual content can capture attention and convey information effectively.
  24. Provide educational resources: Develop guides, e-books, or webinars that educate your target audience about industry trends, best practices, or product applications. Position your manufacturing business as a knowledgeable resource.
  25. Monitor and analyze data: Use analytics tools to track website traffic, user behavior, and marketing campaign performance. Analyzing data helps you make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies for better results.
  26. Offer personalized experiences: Tailor your marketing messages and offerings to specific customer segments or industries. Personalization enhances engagement and makes customers feel valued.
  27. Build a strong brand: Invest in developing a compelling brand identity that reflects your manufacturing business’s values, mission, and unique selling propositions. Consistently communicate your brand message across all marketing channels.
  28. Collaborate with influencers: Identify influential individuals or industry experts who can endorse your manufacturing business. Engage in influencer marketing collaborations to reach a wider audience and gain credibility.
  29. Provide exceptional after-sales support: Offer comprehensive post-purchase support, including warranty information, technical assistance, and customer service. A positive post-sales experience can lead to repeat business and referrals.
  30. Stay updated with technology: Embrace technological advancements in the manufacturing industry and leverage them to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and offer innovative solutions to customers. Consider a custom chatbot to handle initial support requests.
  31. Conduct market research: Regularly conduct market research to understand evolving customer needs, industry trends, and competitors’ strategies. This information helps you refine your marketing approach and stay ahead of the curve.
  32. Leverage customer feedback and UGC: Actively seek feedback from customers to identify areas for improvement and gather testimonials for marketing purposes. User generated content (UGC) where customers post video about how they used your products and give feedback on camera can be tremendously effective. This feedback loop helps you enhance your offerings and customer experience.
  33. Offer product customization: If feasible, provide options for customization or personalized solutions based on customer requirements. Customization can differentiate your manufacturing business and cater to specific client needs.
  34. Engage in thought leadership: Publish industry-related articles, insights, or research papers to establish your manufacturing business as a thought leader. This positions you as an authoritative voice in your field.
  35. Engage with industry associations: Join relevant industry associations like NAM another  and actively participate in their events and initiatives. This allows you to network with peers, share knowledge, and gain industry recognition.
  36. Embrace sustainability: Highlight your manufacturing business’s commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices. Communicate initiatives such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, or responsible sourcing.
  37. Offer competitive pricing and incentives: Stay competitive by pricing your products or services competitively. Consider offering special discounts, incentives, or loyalty programs to attract and retain customers.
  38. Stay active on industry forums and online communities: Engage in relevant industry forums, discussion boards, and online communities where your target audience participates. Share valuable insights and establish your presence as an industry expert.
  39. Stay compliant with regulations: Ensure your manufacturing business complies with industry regulations, safety standards, and certifications. Communicate your commitment to compliance to build trust with customers.
  40. Continuously evaluate and optimize your marketing efforts: Regularly review your marketing strategies, analyze results, and make necessary adjustments to optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Marketing for Manufacturers: A note about content marketing and SEO

Content marketing and SEO are pivotal long-term strategies that play a crucial role in establishing a strong online presence and cultivating authority within your niche. In today’s digital landscape, where competition is fierce and consumer behavior is heavily influenced by online information, these strategies have become essential for businesses aiming to thrive and remain relevant over time.

We have heard feedback from several customers who basically say, “We’re a manufacturing company, not a publishing company.” We get it. It does seem daunting and it can take a long time to see results. However, that’s we are and building authority within your niche is not only about securing high rankings on search engines but also about becoming a trusted source of valuable information for your target audience.

The foundation of building authority lies in consistently producing high-quality, informative, and relevant content. By creating a wealth of content around topics related to your industry, products, and services, you position your company as an expert and resource. This authoritative content not only educates your audience but also establishes your brand’s credibility and fosters trust.

Whether you’re selling B2B or catering to consumers, sharing valuable insights through your content will naturally attract attention from other websites, leading to valuable backlinks.

These links act as endorsements from external sources, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and reputable. Consequently, your online authority grows, boosting your search engine rankings and making your content more discoverable to a wider audience.

Through a well-executed content marketing strategy, combined with effective SEO practices, businesses can create a lasting impact, continually attracting organic traffic and solidifying their position as a respected industry leader.

Marketing for Manufacturers: Content Strategy

Creating a well-structured content strategy that integrates a comprehensive range of topics and keywords into a thoughtfully designed content calendar is a key step in maximizing the benefits of content marketing and SEO. This strategic approach ensures that your content creation efforts are purposeful, organized, and aligned with your overarching goals.

Start by identifying the most relevant and high-impact keywords within your niche. These keywords should reflect the interests, needs, and search queries of your target audience. Once you have your list of keywords, match them with corresponding topics that provide value and insights. Each topic should serve a specific purpose, such as educating your audience, addressing common pain points, or showcasing your expertise.

With your list of topics and keywords in hand, it’s time to create a content calendar. This calendar will serve as a roadmap for your content creation efforts, helping you distribute topics evenly and avoid duplication. Assign each topic to a specific date, ensuring a diverse mix of content types such as how-to guides, informative articles, case studies, and more. This diversity keeps your audience engaged and caters to different preferences.

By systematically populating your content calendar with well-matched topics and keywords, you’ll create a coherent and valuable resource for your audience while reinforcing your authority in your niche. Moreover, this organized approach streamlines your content creation process and enables you to track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your strategy. As you consistently produce and publish content according to your calendar, you’ll witness the cumulative impact of increased online authority, improved search engine rankings, and a growing, engaged audience

Here’s a example for a hardwood flooring manufacturer.

Date Blog Post Title Keyword
Nov 1 The Ultimate Guide to Hardwood Flooring Types Hardwood flooring types
Nov 2 Choosing the Best Hardwood Flooring for Your Home Best hardwood flooring
Nov 3 DIY Hardwood Flooring Installation Tips DIY hardwood flooring
Nov 4 Hardwood vs. Laminate: Which is Right for You? Hardwood vs laminate
Nov 5 The Beauty of Engineered Hardwood Floors Engineered hardwood
Nov 6 Pros and Cons of Prefinished Hardwood Flooring Prefinished hardwood
Nov 7 How to Clean and Maintain Your Hardwood Floors Hardwood floor cleaning
Nov 8 Enhance Your Home with Exotic Hardwood Flooring Exotic hardwood flooring
Nov 9 Hardwood Flooring Trends for Modern Interiors Hardwood flooring trends
Nov 10 The Environmental Benefits of Hardwood Flooring Environmental benefits
Nov 11 The Timeless Elegance of Oak Hardwood Flooring Oak hardwood flooring
Nov 12 Hardwood Flooring for High-Traffic Areas High-traffic areas
Nov 13 The Warmth and Comfort of Maple Hardwood Flooring Maple hardwood flooring
Nov 14 Hardwood Flooring Maintenance Dos and Don’ts Maintenance tips
Nov 15 Exploring Dark Stain Options for Hardwood Floors Dark stain hardwood
Nov 16 Enhancing Your Space with Light Wood Flooring Light wood flooring
Nov 17 Hardwood Flooring in Kitchen: Pros and Cons Hardwood in kitchen
Nov 18 All About Parquet: A Unique Hardwood Flooring Parquet flooring
Nov 19 Hardwood Flooring for Cozy Bedroom Ambiance Bedroom hardwood
Nov 20 The Art of Mixing Hardwood Flooring in Home Decor Mixing hardwood floors
Nov 21 Hardwood Flooring and Pets: Tips for Harmony Hardwood and pets
Nov 22 The Aesthetic Appeal of Wide Plank Hardwood Wide plank hardwood
Nov 23 Hardwood Flooring Maintenance for Longevity Flooring longevity
Nov 24 Incorporating Hardwood Flooring in Open Spaces Hardwood in open spaces
Nov 25 Reclaimed Hardwood: History and Sustainability Reclaimed hardwood
Nov 26 Hardwood Flooring for Rustic Interior Design Rustic interior design
Nov 27 Hardwood Flooring Finishes: Glossy vs. Matte Glossy vs matte finish
Nov 28 Enhance Your Home Office with Hardwood Flooring Home office flooring
Nov 29 Hardwood Flooring for Classic Home Styles Classic home styles
Nov 30 The Future of Hardwood Flooring: Innovations Future of hardwood

The example above would obviously be a very aggressive approach and for many companies, producing a quality blog post every day would not be sustainable. The fact is, you can go at any pace you want to. You could do one piece of content each month, it’s just going to take longer to see results.

We hope you find these marketing tips for manufacturers useful and feel free to ask any questions. If you need some specific advice on marketing strategy, book a call for a free strategy consultation.

How to Build a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy in 2024

How to Build a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy in 2024

Understanding Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable and relevant content with the intention of attracting, engaging, and retaining a target audience. A successful content marketing strategy entails carefully crafted planning, development, execution, and analysis of content. By leveraging AI in SEO and manual editing, businesses can create powerful content that delivers value to their customers.

To begin building a robust content marketing strategy for 2023, start by conducting market research to determine your target audience’s needs and pain points. Then identify relevant topics that align with your business objectives to create compelling content. Additionally, leverage AI tools such as natural language processing to optimize your content for search engines while manually editing it to ensure accuracy and readability.

As you continue with the development and execution of your strategy, ensure that you monitor its performance regularly against predetermined metrics such as website traffic or engagement rates. Learn from your results and insights progressively to make informed decisions using data-driven approaches aimed at improving the effectiveness of the campaign.

Pro Tip: Keep up with emerging trends in the digital space by actively networking with industry leaders through blogs, social media platforms or conferences, while exploring opportunities for collaboration from like-minded professionals in the field.

Only three things matter in a content marketing strategy for 2024: AI, SEO, and a trusty pair of human eyes to make those crucial manual edits.

Key Components of Content Marketing Strategy in 2024

To build a powerful content marketing strategy in 2024 with key components, such as AI, SEO, and manual edits required. In this section, we will be discussing AI in Content Marketing Strategy, SEO in Content Marketing Strategy, and Manual Edits Required in Content Marketing Strategy as effective solutions. Each sub-section will provide you with essential insights and tips to create a successful content marketing plan.

AI in Content Marketing Strategy

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Boosting Your Content Marketing Strategy

Automation with AI can provide significant benefits to content marketing. Here are some ways AI can enhance your strategy:

Benefits of AI Examples
Personalization Sending tailored communication emails based on individual preferences.
Content Creation Generating automated reports and creating marketing copies without human intervention.
Data Analysis and Insights Providing an in-depth analysis of data, customer behaviour and identifying market opportunities for your brand.

Implementing AI techniques helps create a seamless experience for the audience. Additionally, the use of chatbots, machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) enable brands to analyze data at scale.

New Trends in AI Implementation

AI will continue to evolve at a fast pace combining various trends like predictive analytics and chatbots that augment user interactions. Also, companies are increasingly incorporating emotions into branding through AI-powered chatbots—enabling more personalized service.

content marketing strategyGet Ahead of the Competition

As businesses become more tech-savvy, it’s critical to implement powerful tools that give them an edge over their competitors. Don’t let fear hold you back from staying ahead in trends. Start implementing smart automation techniques today.

Start Leveraging the Power of AI to Optimize Your Marketing Efforts!

SEO is like a blind date, you want to make a great first impression with your content but also make sure it’s easy to find on Google.

SEO in Content Marketing Strategy

Optimizing search engine results is a crucial aspect of any successful content marketing endeavor. Incorporating strategic SEO techniques can enhance the visibility and ranking of your content on search engines, thereby boosting the traffic to your website. Relevant long-tail keywords and meta description optimization are some effective methods to improve SEO in content marketing.

Additionally, creating high-quality content that provides value to the audience is necessary for improving SEO. Valuable and engaging content can lead to improved engagement metrics such as click-through rate, dwell time, bounce rate, and social shares which ultimately leads to higher rankings. Moreover, incorporating multimedia such as videos or infographics into your content can also drive organic traffic and increase engagement.

Pro Tip: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify long-tail keywords that have low competition but high search volume potential. Use these keywords strategically by incorporating them in the title tags, header tags, meta descriptions, and throughout the body of your content.

Looks like AI still can’t replace the human touch when it comes to content marketing strategy – better make sure those manual edits are on point!

Manual Edits Required in Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Optimization Through Semantic NLP Techniques

Content Marketing requires strategic planning and execution to achieve good results. In order to do so, manual edits are required in content marketing strategy using Semantic NLP techniques. The key components of a successful content marketing strategy include targeted audience, SEO optimization, engaging content, and distribution channels.

Furthermore, a strong understanding of the target audience is important for developing impactful content that resonates with them. Keyword research should be conducted to identify relevant keywords and phrases to optimize the content for search engines.

content marketing and ai

Another crucial aspect of Content Marketing is establishing the right distribution channels to reach potential customers through various platforms like social media, email marketing or blog posts. It is recommended to use multiple channels rather than focusing on only one.

In addition, too much automation may lead to poor quality content which lacks creativity and originality. Hence manual editing is required at various stages of creating content which can add value to your brand.

There are no set rules when it comes to Content Marketing but experimenting with new strategies can lead to great results. A case in point – ShareASale increased its website traffic by over 50% after updating its top-performing articles with the latest information.

Strategic manual editing in Content Marketing Strategy using Semantic NLP techniques coupled with a thorough understanding of targeted audience and effective distribution techniques can help businesses achieve their goals more efficiently.

Want to build a powerful content marketing strategy in 2023? Start by pretending your boss is your biggest critic and your mother-in-law is your target audience.

Building a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy in 2024

To build a powerful content marketing strategy in 2023, you need to follow a step-by-step plan with clear sub-sections. Start by identifying your target audience and creating buyer personas. Set your content marketing goals and research and develop content ideas using AI and SEO. Create a content calendar, edit and distribute your content on all relevant platforms, and measure and analyze your results manually to make the required edits.

Identify Your Target Audience and Create Buyer Personas

Identifying the Audience for Building Buyer Personas

One of the fundamental steps in creating a powerful content marketing strategy is understanding your target audience’s needs and desires. This knowledge will facilitate developing quality content that resonates with them, ensuring that they keep coming back to your site.

Here’s a 3-step guide on how to identify your target audience and create buyer personas:

  1. Gather Customer Data: Collect demographic and behavioral data on current customers and prospects to gain insights into their preferences.
  2. Identify Persona Patterns: Analyze the collected data to identify shared characteristics among customers (e.g., age group) to create specific persona groups.
  3. Create Customized Content: Tailor content for each persona group based on its identified requirements, making sure it speaks directly to them.

It’s important to understand that each buyer persona represents a different segment of desired audiences; therefore, customized messaging should be targeted towards meeting their specific needs.

Pro Tip: Continually reassessing data and adjusting these processes as necessary is critical to ensuring continued success in maintaining customer satisfaction through personalized messaging.

Choose your goals wisely, or you’ll end up producing more content than a struggling blogger on a caffeine binge.

Set Your Content Marketing Goals

Creating Achievable Content Marketing Targets

Without specific, measurable and time-bound goals, a content marketing strategy cannot achieve its purpose. Your targets must be realistic and attainable with an outcome that helps your business. To begin, determine what you want to accomplish through your efforts and how you will measure success.

For instance, instead of making general goals like “increase website traffic,” develop SMART targets such as raising organic search traffic by 50% or increasing social media followers by 30% within six months. By developing quantifiable objectives, defining benchmarks, analyzing metrics and evaluating outcomes in the longer term, businesses can improve their content marketing return on investment.

Developing Ideas for Targeted Content

Once you have defined your content marketing objectives, think about who your audience is and what they are looking for. Identify what problem your product or service solves and how it benefits customers. Building buyer personas may assist in narrowing down your audience’s needs and tastes.

Conduct keyword research to monitor trends in your niche and gain insight into the language potential customers employ when looking for solutions to their issue. Interviewing consumers or speaking with sales teams can provide useful insights into common pain points that content should address.

Producing targeted content such as blogs, videos or webinars that add value to consumers will increase brand awareness while establishing customer trust.

Don’t Get Left Behind

With the pandemic-driven internet boom accelerating digitization of businesses worldwide, new opportunities are emerging amidst stiff competition. Brands that create compelling content marketing campaigns could stay ahead of competitors.

So take action now to set realistic content marketing objectives that align with business goals and engage clients through valuable and informative material! Get your brainstorm on and let your imagination run wild, because the best content ideas come from the craziest places.

Research and Develop Content Ideas

To create a dynamic content marketing strategy, exploring innovative and unique ideas is essential. Begin your ideation process by conducting market research and analyzing the target audience’s interests and preferences.

Identify trending topics, frequently asked questions, and pain points to develop engaging content that resonates with the audience’s needs. If you need some inspiration, check out this list of 21 content ideas.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, brainstorm various content formats such as blogs, videos, podcasts, infographics, etc., to provide value to the users. Leverage social media insights and conduct competitor analysis to add a distinctive touch to your content creation efforts.

Creating a content calendar can simplify the planning process by providing structure and ensuring timely delivery of fresh content. Consider adding a mix of evergreen and trending topics in your schedule to boost engagement and website traffic.

A straightforward yet effective way of generating compelling ideas is through user-generated content (UGC). Encouraging customers to share their experiences or opinions on various digital platforms can help create authentic brand stories while humanizing the brand.

In summary, researching and producing unique themes for content creation is essential for customers’ interest in brands. With these innovative approaches mentioned above, businesses can build robust marketing strategies that drive engagement, increase retention rates & better ROI.

Why wait for inspiration when you can just schedule it in? Create a content calendar and watch as your ideas magically appear.

Create a Content Calendar

To ensure effective content marketing, it is crucial to devise a content schedule that adheres to a strategy. Doing so allows businesses to establish consistency and avoid becoming inactive or too reactive in their approach.

  • List all the significant events and holidays throughout the year and use them as inspiration for your content.
  • Create a calendar that outlines when each piece of content will be published, ensuring there is enough time between posts to maintain relevance.
  • Ensure you have sufficient resources at your disposal to produce quality content across all platforms and on schedule.

It is also important to note that successful content marketing requires flexibility, as unforeseen circumstances may arise and disrupt the intended schedule. However, having a solid foundation in place ensures companies can pivot effectively without losing sight of their end goals.

Creating and implementing an effective content marketing strategy involves more than just a calendar; staying up-to-date with current trends to stay relevant in an increasingly digital world is another critical component.

A recent statistic shows that mobile users worldwide are expected to exceed 7 billion by 2023 (source: Statista).

By committing time, implementing best practices, leveraging trends and technologies while embracing changing consumer behavior patterns – effective digital marketing can provide real value for any business willing to invest in its growth.

Because let’s be real, content won’t promote itself – you gotta give it a helping hand.

Distribute and Promote Your Content

To maximize the reach of your content, you should strategically disseminate and publicize it using proven marketing techniques. Here are three effective ways to get your message in front of more eyes:

  1. Reach out to key influencers: By partnering with opinion leaders or prominent voices in your industry, you can leverage their audience to amplify your message.
  2. Maximize your use of social media: Share your content on different platforms and optimize it for maximum engagement through hashtags, visual content and scheduled posts.
  3. Utilize targeted advertising: Invest in paid promotion campaigns for specific platforms like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads that aim to expand the viewership of select content pieces.

To take your distribution efforts to the next level, try including metrics that track each technique’s performance, so you can optimize future campaigns. This is vital as it ensures that every aspect of your promotional efforts effectively drives traffic to its intended destination.

In our experience, one great way to instantly distribute valuable content is through newsletters and email marketing campaigns. With a well-crafted newsletter, you can inform existing customers or subscribers of upcoming product launches, new blog posts, or host exclusive discounts.

For example, when we deployed this tactic with a client’s product launch newsletter campaign last year which combined storytelling elements with personalized offers; the campaign achieved an open rate of over 35% momentously boosting their sales numbers making it a huge success.

Combining these tips with strong valuable content will ensure that more people see what you have to offer. Let data be the puppet master of your content marketing strategy; it’s time to measure and analyze or suffer the consequences.

Measure and Analyze Your Results

For a comprehensive content marketing strategy in 2023, it is imperative to gauge the results of your efforts. Understandably, our true success lies in analyzing viewership and output input ratios, which can be achieved by acknowledging certain factors.

The key metrics to measure are:

  1. Acquisition Metrics: Attracting and building a clientèle base
  2. Conversion Metrics: Mapping leads to conversions
  3. Engagement Metrics: Encouraging customer loyalty and increasing return customers
  4. Retention Metrics: Tracking customer satisfaction levels and reducing churn

For a proactive marketing approach, consider measuring your developed metrics regularly to identify any weaknesses or trends that may point towards the need for future adaptions.

In addition, it’s important not to forget to analyze segmented data such as demographic information and their propensity towards purchasing goods from product posts vs browsing through blogs.

Make sure you practice singular over shared measures, ensuring mutual understanding across all stakeholders without using jargon or incomprehensible acronyms.

When implementing your content marketing strategy this year, remember that successful initiatives don’t happen overnight. Measure success with patience by analyzing accurate data regularly.

Remember, a powerful content marketing strategy is like a muscle – you need to exercise it regularly to see results.

Conclusion: Summing Up the Key Takeaways.

The Key Takeaways from Building a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy in 2023:

  • Creating an effective content marketing strategy requires a combination of manual edits and the use of AI technologies.
  • Focusing on SEO is crucial but should not be the only consideration.
  • Providing value to your audience through engaging content remains vital.
  • To maximize the impact of your strategy, prioritize creating content that targets specific personas and metrics that matter for your business objectives.
  • Leverage different formats such as videos, podcasts, and infographics to cater to various preferences.
  • Lastly, stay updated with emerging trends and new technologies in the field of content creation and distribution. This will ensure your strategy continues to be relevant in meeting customer needs.

Pro Tip: Use data analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your strategy and make necessary adjustments based on user behavior insights. There are a lot of great analytics tools out there. Sometimes you need to connect them together to get the KPIs you need. Tools like Domo can be a great help in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is content marketing and why is it important?

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience with the goal of driving profitable customer action. It is important because it helps increase brand awareness, establish authority in your industry, build relationships with your audience, and ultimately drive more sales.

2. How can AI be used in content marketing?

AI can be used in content marketing by helping to improve the effectiveness of your content. This can involve using AI to optimize headlines, image selection, and even to personalize content for individual users. It can also help with content analysis and provide insights into what is working and what needs improvement.

3. How important is SEO in content marketing?

SEO is crucial in content marketing as it helps your content get found by people who are looking for it. By optimizing your content for specific keywords and phrases, you can increase your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages, which can help drive more traffic to your website.

4. Can a powerful content marketing strategy be created manually?

Yes, a powerful content marketing strategy can be created manually. While there are tools and technologies available that can help with various aspects of content marketing, the core strategy can still be developed manually through research, planning, and creative thinking.

5. How many edits are required to create effective content?

The number of edits required to create effective content can vary depending on the type of content, your target audience, and your goals. However, it is generally recommended to go through at least 2-3 rounds of edits to ensure that your content is polished and error-free.

6. What are the most important factors to consider when building a powerful content marketing strategy?

The most important factors to consider when building a powerful content marketing strategy include understanding your target audience, creating valuable and engaging content, optimizing your content for search engines, and measuring your results to constantly improve your strategy.

21 Powerful Content Strategies for Local Business Growth

21 Powerful Content Strategies for Local Business Growth

As a local business owner, creating valuable content can help you connect with potential customers and build brand awareness. However, coming up with fresh and engaging content ideas can be a challenge. We put together 21 inspiring content ideas for a local business, including tips on how to execute each idea effectively. If you’re feeling stuck for ideas, this will help.

Whether you’re looking to create educational content, engage with your audience on social media, or share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, these ideas will help you create valuable content that resonates with your target audience. So, let’s dive in and get some inspiration!

21 Content Marketing Ideas

  1. Create a “how-to” guide related to your business or industry. A how-to guide can be a valuable resource for potential customers who are searching for information on a specific topic. For example, a local bakery could create a how-to guide on baking bread at home, with tips and tricks for getting the perfect loaf.
  2. Showcase a customer success story or case study. Sharing customer success stories is a great way to build trust and credibility with potential customers. For example, a local gym could feature a client who lost weight and achieved their fitness goals through their services.
  3. Share a behind-the-scenes look at your business operations. Sharing a behind-the-scenes look can help customers feel more connected to your business and give them a better understanding of how you operate. For example, a local brewery could share a video of their brewing process or give a virtual tour of their facilities.
  4. Publish a list of your top tips or tricks related to your business. Sharing valuable tips or tricks related to your business can position you as an authority in your industry and provide value to potential customers. For example, a local landscaping company could share their top tips for maintaining a healthy lawn.
  5. Host a Q&A session on social media or your website. Hosting a Q&A session is a great way to engage with your audience and answer any questions they may have. For example, a local bookstore could host a Q&A with an author, allowing customers to ask questions about their latest book.
  6. Share a funny or heartwarming story related to your business. Sharing a funny or heartwarming story can help customers feel more connected to your business and create a positive brand image. For example, a local coffee shop could share a story about a regular customer who always orders the same drink, and the barista who remembers their order by heart.
  7. Write a blog post about the history of your business or industry. Sharing the history of your business or industry can help customers understand your values and mission. For example, a local museum could share the history of the building they’re housed in, or a local restaurant could share the story of how they got started.
  8. Create a video tour of your business. A video tour can give potential customers a better sense of your business and what you offer. For example, a local spa could create a video tour of their facilities and services.
  9. Share a series of educational posts on a topic related to your business. Sharing educational content can position you as an authority in your industry and provide value to potential customers. For example, a local accounting firm could share a series of posts on tax planning tips for small businesses.
  10. Host a giveaway or contest on social media. Hosting a giveaway or contest is a great way to engage with your audience and attract new followers. For example, a local clothing boutique could host a giveaway for a gift card or a free outfit.
  11. Share a recipe or DIY project related to your business or industry. Sharing a recipe or DIY project can provide value to potential customers and create a positive brand image. For example, a local hardware store could share a DIY project for building a bookshelf using their tools and supplies.
  12. Collaborate with a local influencer or blogger to promote your business. Collaborating with a local influencer or blogger can help increase your brand visibility and reach new audiences. For example, a local brewery could collaborate with a beer blogger to review their latest beer release.
  13. Share a list of your favorite local businesses and why you love them. Sharing a list of your favorite local businesses can help build community and show support for other small businesses
  14. Highlight a charitable cause or community event that your business supports. Sharing information about charitable causes or community events that your business supports can help build goodwill and demonstrate your commitment to the local community. For example, a local restaurant could share information about a fundraiser they’re hosting for a local food bank.
  15. Create a “day in the life” video or blog post about a typical day at your business. Creating a “day in the life” video or blog post can give potential customers a better understanding of what it’s like to do business with you and help build trust. For example, a local hair salon could create a video showcasing a typical day in the salon, from opening to closing.
  16. Share a list of your favorite books, podcasts, or other resources related to your business or industry. Sharing a list of your favorite resources can help position you as an authority in your industry and provide value to potential customers. For example, a local marketing agency could share a list of their favorite marketing podcasts or books.
  17. Interview an expert in your industry or a related field. Interviewing an expert can help you provide valuable insights to your audience and showcase your expertise. For example, a local real estate agent could interview an interior designer to get tips on how to stage homes for sale.
  18. Share a seasonal or holiday-themed post related to your business. Sharing seasonal or holiday-themed content can help you stay relevant and engage with your audience throughout the year. For example, a local gift shop could share a list of Valentine’s Day gift ideas.
  19. Host a live or virtual event related to your business. Hosting an event can help you engage with your audience and provide value to potential customers. For example, a local yoga studio could host a virtual yoga class for beginners.
  20. Share a list of frequently asked questions related to your business. Sharing a list of frequently asked questions can help potential customers find answers to their questions and position you as a helpful resource. For example, a local law firm could share a list of frequently asked questions about divorce law.
  21. Create a meme or humorous post related to your business or industry. Sharing a funny or humorous post can help you create a positive brand image and engage with your audience in a lighthearted way. For example, a local pet store could share a meme about the joys of being a dog owner.

Need help with your content marketing? Get in touch for a free consultation.

The Power of B2B Marketing Automation – How it works…

The Power of B2B Marketing Automation – How it works…

Technology is changing so fast in today’s world and marketing is one area that can be extremely complex, time-consuming and costly. It can be overwhelming for small and medium sized businesses so companies are looking for ways to streamline their processes but still grow their business.

If you’re looking for ways to improve and streamline your marketing efforts then marketing automation might just be the unicorn you’re looking for. It will take some planning and effort to get started but once it is performing you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate marketing tasks and processes, such as email campaigns, social media management, and lead generation. It allows businesses to target, engage, and convert their audience more efficiently, freeing up time and resources that can be used for other tasks.

Here are some marketing automation statistics gathered by StartupBonsai:

B2B Marketing automation statistics

A lack of clear instructions makes building an online presence challenging for B2B companies. To be successful online, your business must have clear goals and understand how online marketing works.

This post will give you some clarity and help you decide whether automation is what you need.

There are several benefits of marketing automation for businesses of all sizes:

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity: It saves time and effort by automating repetitive tasks, such as sending emails and social media posts. This allows marketers to focus on high-value tasks, such as analyzing data and creating strategic campaigns.
  2. Improved targeting and personalization: Marketing automation allows businesses to segment their audience and create targeted campaigns based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This level of personalization can help increase engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Enhanced lead generation and nurturing: It can help businesses generate and nurture leads through targeted campaigns, such as email drip campaigns and lead-scoring programs.
  4. Better analysis and measurement: Detailed analytics and reporting are a big benefit of automation software. This allows businesses to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

The ROI of a successful marketing automation campaign can be significant. According to a survey by the Data & Marketing Association, businesses that use marketing automation see an average ROI of around 300%. This is because the automation allows businesses to reach their audience more effectively, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

To get the most out of it, it is important to have a clear strategy in place and to use the right tools and technology.

When it’s done wrong, a campaign can also fail miserably. Do testing on a small scale first and then scale it when you have it fine tuned. It is also important to continuously test and optimize campaigns to ensure that they are delivering the desired results. With a well-executed campaign, businesses can achieve significant growth and success.

What does marketing automation actually do?

By automating and streamline marketing tasks, companies can find more time to put into actually closing deals and building relationships. Automated tasks can include a wide range of activities, such as email marketing, social media management, lead generation, and customer segmentation.

Some specific tasks that automation can perform include:

  1. Email marketing: It can send targeted and personalized emails to specific segments of a business’s audience. This can include newsletters, promotional emails, and automated drip campaigns.
  2. Social media management: Marketing automation can help businesses schedule and publish social media posts, as well as track and analyze the performance of these posts.
  3. Lead generation: Marketing automation can help businesses generate leads through targeted campaigns, such as lead-scoring programs and landing page optimization.
  4. Customer segmentation: Automation can segment a business’s audience based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This allows businesses to create targeted campaigns that are more relevant and effective.

How does marketing automation work?

Marketing automation works by using software and technology to automate and streamline marketing tasks and processes. Here is a general overview of how automation works:

  1. Set up: The first step is setting up the software and defining the goals and strategy for the campaign. This includes selecting the appropriate tools and technology, such as email marketing software or social media management platforms.
  2. Audience segmentation: Marketing automation allows businesses to segment their audience based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This allows businesses to create targeted campaigns that are more relevant and effective.
  3. Campaign creation: Set up email drip campaigns and social media posts. These campaigns can be triggered by specific actions, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.
  4. Delivery and tracking: Delivers the campaigns to the appropriate segments of the audience and tracks the performance of the campaigns. This includes measuring metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  5. Analysis and optimization: The detailed analytics and reporting, allows businesses to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. This includes identifying what is working well and what can be improved upon.

What does marketing automation mean for the customer journey?

Automation can have a significant impact on the customer journey, as it allows businesses to deliver personalized and relevant experiences to their customers throughout the entire customer journey.

Here are a few ways in which marketing automation can enhance the customer journey:

  1. Lead generation and nurturing: Marketing automation can help businesses generate and nurture leads through targeted campaigns, such as email drip campaigns and lead-scoring programs. This can help businesses guide potential customers through the sales funnel and convert them into paying customers.
  2. Personalization: Marketing automation allows businesses to segment their audience and create targeted campaigns based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This level of personalization can help increase engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Customer segmentation: Marketing automation can segment a business’s audience based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This allows businesses to create targeted campaigns that are more relevant and effective, improving the overall customer experience.
  4. Customer service: Marketing automation can also be used to provide customer service, such as answering frequently asked questions or providing personalized recommendations. This can help businesses improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By following these best practices, businesses can ensure that their marketing automation campaigns are successful and deliver the desired results.

What are common problems that marketing automation can solve?

Automation can help businesses solve a variety of problems, including:

  1. Lack of time and resources: Aave time and effort by automating repetitive tasks, such as sending emails and social media posts. This allows businesses to focus on high-value tasks, such as analyzing data and creating strategic campaigns.
  2. Lack of personalization: Businesses can segment their audience and create targeted campaigns based on specific criteria, such as location, demographics, and behavior. This level of personalization can help increase engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Inefficient lead generation and nurturing: It helps businesses generate and nurture leads through targeted campaigns, such as email drip campaigns and lead-scoring programs. This can help businesses convert more leads into paying customers.
  4. Difficulty measuring and analyzing campaigns: Marketing automation provides detailed analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to track the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. This can help businesses identify what is working well and what can be improved upon.


When asked why they think they’re not utilizing their tools properly, marketers identified the following barriers:

  • 39% of respondents said they lacked the training to fully utilize marketing automation software.
  • 32% said they did not have the resources to manage the automation process.
  • 31% of respondents reported that maintaining their tools was beyond their budget.
  • 25% of respondents cited a difficult setup process as the issue.

According to another study, respondents identified several challenges when implementing marketing automation:

33% of surveyed companies identified a lack of expertise as the biggest obstacle

33% of surveyed companies identified a lack of expertise as the biggest obstacle preventing them from implementing marketing automation.

Overall, marketing automation can help businesses solve a variety of problems by streamlining repetitive tasks and allowing marketers to focus on high-value activities, such as analyzing data and creating strategic campaigns. It also helps businesses reach their audience more effectively and increase conversion rates, leading to increased revenue and growth.

At OCEANONE Design our marketing platform of choice is VBOUT. It’s a comprehensive online marketing application that really has no limitations since it can easily integrate with all other modern applications that use an API. For instance, if our client likes to use the popular  Hubspot CRM, we can easily connect to it so that leads from Facebook, email or any other campaigns will be sent directly to the their CRM. We can also alert them via text message if they prefer.

Many clients tell us that the high cost of software and complexity are the barriers that hold them back from going all-in with automation. If that’s the case for you, we can help. We can set you up using our software to run the campaigns and connect to your free CRM. That way there is no software cost to you. As you grow, you can invest in your own system and hire staff to run it.

Don’t get left behind, contact us anytime for a free consultation.

Effective Online Marketing Strategies for Manufacturers

Effective Online Marketing Strategies for Manufacturers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Manufacturers and distributors have very different marketing strategy challenges than B2C companies. Ultimately, your goal is to convince other businesses to work with you and marketing efforts fail if you cannot accomplish this goal.

The time have changed and using the internet to contact more companies and grow your business has never been easier. If you’re looking for modern, reliable, and cost-effective manufacturer marketing strategies, look no further.

The following industrial marketing solutions have been compiled to help you reach more potential partners online. Even if you don’t have much experience with digital marketing, you can follow these steps written in plain English.

Let me explain to you why internet marketing is so successful for manufacturers and other B2B businesses.

The Internet made it easier for retailers to conduct research on potential distributors and their products. Within seconds, they were able to view detailed photos or specs, read reviews, and view customer feedback from a larger number of companies and products.

Due to this change in preference, your marketing must adapt as well. You’re likely missing most of your potential customers if you don’t use the Internet to reach them. Fortunately, you can use this to your advantage. The ROI is much, much easier to track with online marketing than with traditional marketing methods.

Moreover, because online marketing costs are relatively low, manufacturers or distributors are able to experiment more freely, with little or no risk to their business.

With a wide range of options, you can try things and fail without worrying about losing a great deal of money or damaging your reputation. Actually, testing is not only recommended, it’s an important part of the overall strategy as you will soon see.

Here are ways to you can use online marketing to reach more potential customers

Let’s talk about some of the tactics you should try now that you know why digital channels are so beneficial for manufacturer marketing strategies. Here are some of the best marketing strategies we’ve used to reach more potential customers at the lowest cost possible for manufacturers and distributors.

1. Make your website rank for the right keywords

Taking steps to ensure that your manufacturer or distributor website can be found easily by potential customers – and outranks your competitors – should be the first step in your marketing strategy. In search engine optimization – also known as SEO – this is accomplished.

Here’s a quick explanation for those unfamiliar with SEO. When someone types in a keyword related to your business into a search engine, SEO is one of several methods to make your website more likely to show up and rank highly. Choosing the right keywords to target is key.

The easiest way to get started with SEO is to brainstorm words or phrases potential customers would associate with your business. It can be as simple as a phrase or a single word. If you manufacture hardwood flooring, for instance, you might consider everything from “hardwood flooring” to “how to choose hardwood flooring”.


This is where we see other marketing companies giving bad advice. Let’s stay with the “hardwood flooring” example. If you manufacture hardwood flooring, and try to rank # 1 in Google, you will be in direct competition with every large retailer like Home Depot and Lowes. It will cost a fortune and it won’t help with sales unless you sell directly to consumers.

It is extremely important to understand search intent. Google is all about providing the best results for the assumed intent of keyword search. If someone searches for “hardwood flooring”, Google assumes someone is looking to buy hardwood flooring and wants to see choices. Sure enough, if you do search “hardwood flooring”, all the top results will be from flooring retailers.

As a manufacturer, you should focus on optimizing your site to rank for site search terms that retailers and distributors would use to find your products. Target keywords like “hardwood flooring manufacturer” and “what is the best hardwood flooring”, “wholesale hardwood flooring”.

Take time to brainstorm terms for your industry, and then create content that is optimized to rank high for those terms. We won’t go into an SEO tutorial here but once you understand keyword intent, you can move forward with a successful SEO strategy.

2. Advertise using pay-per-click

Manufacturers also use advertising as one of their top marketing strategies, but not the kind of advertising you’d expect. A pay-per-click ad is one that appears on search engines results pages (SERPs) and other websites.

Manufacturers or distributors can achieve very high returns on investment with PPC ads, which are generally inexpensive. You only pay for them when they are clicked – not when they are viewed – and they contain just a sentence or two of copy with a link to your website. Even if people don’t click on your ad, you are still getting brand exposure for free.

The use of PPC ads, which allow you to control the amount of money you spend to appear in search engine results, can be a tremendous benefit to your brand if you are not ranking highly in search engines. The reports are a huge benefit because they will detail what people are actually searching for and you can do a lot of testing to find out what works best for your company.

Results from PPC are instantaneous, which is one of the major benefits. You can start sending targeted traffic to your website and attract qualified leads as soon as you click to go live with your ads. You will be able to generate leads quickly without exhausting your budget.

3. Find out what converts on your website

We mentioned earlier that online marketing gives you room to try out different methods and to fail if necessary. The conversion rate optimization method, also known as CRO, encourages testing and failure with the goal of increasing conversions and ultimately revenue for your company.

CRO is based on a very simple premise where you test changes on your website and discover what changes provide more conversions. Whether your successful conversion is measured as a phone call or request for quote, a simple change of wording like  “Contact Us” to “Get Started” or “Learn More” on a button can sometimes be the answer to significantly boosting your conversion rate. You can try different Headings, images, color schemes etc. The challenge is not to implement this permanently and risk losing all your leads if your gut feeling turns out to be incorrect. With CRO, you can test ideas without losing all your leads.

A/B testing is a method that is implemented to show version “A” of your landing page to one group of website visitors. Then a “B” version of the page is set up to show a different group of visitors. Once the winner is discovered you stick with that page. An experiment can be made safer this way since a drop in conversions in the “B” version immediately causes the test to be dropped. If you make a substantial leap, you can reap immediate benefits and more profit!

4. Develop engaging media and content that ranks well

When retailers search online for products to carry in their stores, they may be seeking photos, videos, or more detailed information than what they might get from a basic summary. Create engaging content and ensure that it ranks highly in search results to capitalize on this desire – and attract more potential B2B customers to your content.

Links to websites are no longer the only result in search engine results. In addition to receiving search results for any query, the searcher can also receive videos, images, locations, and shopping results. Good engaging content that you can get ranked is likely to attract visitors to your website where they can learn more about your products.

Here are some content suggestions and ideas for manufacturers:

  1. Are there any products you would like a video of in action? Host the video on YouTube (with a link to your website in the description) with a keyword-rich title and description.
  2. The images on your website should have relevant keywords in their filenames and alt text explaining what is in the image. This can increase the chances of them ranking high in Google Image search for those keywords and lead viewers to your website when they click on it.
  3. Provide answers to customer questions in your content, like blog posts and videos. Having answers to these questions are likely to rank well on search engines, causing potential customers to read them, then peruse your website for more information. Answer questions on Quora.
  4. Repurpose existing content. Content repurposing is very effective when you take good quality content and repurpose its structure and message to get more use from your valuable information. You might turn a video into blog posts or slide presentations. Create downloadable cheat sheets or ebooks and use them to build an email list.
  5. Use surveys to find out what people think about your products and gain insights so you can make improvements to existing products or get ideas for new ones.

5. Establish a strong social media presence

Social media marketing can be slow to take off among B2B companies. For manufacturers, however, social media marketing is a very effective tool. Create a social media profile and your manufacturing company will be exposed to decision-makers and engage with potential clients.

Manufacturers can increase their brand recognition and make meaningful connections through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

As well as sharing product photos, setting up competitions, and creating brand ambassadors, social media can be used for many other things.

YouTube can be a great marketing tool for B2B companies. It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase products and distribute informative content using video.

Social media can also be utilized by manufacturers during product development to get feedback and ideas.

Your marketing strategy can be adjusted based on customer feedback using social media listening tools. Additionally, product forums can be used to discover what customers think about your product.

6. Make it easy to contact you

Last but not least, we suggest making it extremely easy for potential clients to get in touch with you. A simple way to achieve this is to have your phone number prominently displayed on your website, add a dedicated contact form, or utilize social media.  Here are some examples of excellent industrial websites.

It may seem obvious but some sites make customers has make it a hassle just to find the contact email or phone number. Take a look at your website and make sure it is very easy to get in touch with your company.

If you want people to call, keep the phone number visible at all times while they are on your website.

You will get more leads. Also, being active on social media can increase your chances of getting in touch with them, as many will reach out to you with questions there so be prepared with answers.

Would you like help with your  manufacturer marketing strategy?

Manufacturers often find it challenging to develop and implement marketing plans in-house. Every need is different, and every method must be just right. If you’re struggling to balance your marketing efforts with the demands of running your business, we can help!

We have been working with manufacturing businesses since 2000. Every business is unique and we have the experience to look at the big picture, figure out ways to reach your ideal customers and build a strategy to meet your goals.

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    Also check out our post on “The Power of B2B Marketing Automation – How does it work?