10 Must-Know SEO Tips to Boost Your Search Rankings

Updated January 7, 2019

SEO is considered as the main element to ultimately getting more website traffic. This means that you also want to be sure to use the best white hat methods and search engine optimization strategy On-Site and offsite for best results. Here are some of the most important fundamental SEO tips.

Whether you have a small or big business website, using proper SEO techniques can help Google, Yahoo, and other search Engines to rank your website higher in the SERPs. (Search Engine Results Pages) when customers or clients search for keywords that are relevant to your business.

  1. Operating a great website is not all about having the slickest or coolest looking website. It is equally important to have a site that users will find easy to navigate and employing the best SEO techniques to drive traffic towards your site.
  2. Before writing content for your website, you will need to make a set of keywords to utilize that provides the best SEO results. You can do this by checking out the keyword’s monthly search volume. Choose keywords that contain good search volume level and lower competition and avoid the keywords with the best and lowest search volume. Do this and you’ll you’ll be a more successful in your online endeavours as a website owner. Quite simply, don’t make an effort to rank in search engines for the keywords like “Houses” or “Doors” as this is a complete waste of time and money. The intent of the keyword is now more crucial than ever. In the last couple of year we have seen a significant change in the way Google delivers search results.
    Google Keyword Planner is definitely one of the tools you must use. You can access this in your Google adwords account. There are some other amazing tools for keyword research…
    Checkout Answer The Public. We really love this amazing tool. It will provide you a ton of questions that people ask about any topic. Just put in your target keyword and it will generate an overwhelming number of questions you can work with. Many bloggers use this to come up with blog post ideas.
    Also try UberSuggest. It is now run by SEO and online marketing expert Neil Patel. If you haven’t heard of Neil, you should check out.  He gives away amazing online marketing advice.  Try UbberSuggest, it’s free and it will help you come up with a lot of keyword phrases that you may never think of.

    Keywordtool.io is another excellent keyword research tool worth trying out.The above tools are free to use. If you need more intensive research tools and advanced options there are plenty for great tools that have a monthly subscription based model. Some of the best ones are Ahrefs, Wordracker, SEMRushMOZSEOBook

  3. Your website budget must be shared between Web Design, SEO, and Online Marketing. Be sure to reserve a large portion of your website budget for search engine optimization and Online marketing, it’ll be the best investment you make for your business if done effectively.
  4. Once you build the best keywords or keyword phrase for every single of your website web pages that phrase should be present in the title Meta tags, descriptions, and URLs. For On-Site, content writing the keyword or keyword phrase should be within the first three or four words of the headings on the page. This is also true for article writing titles.
  5. When you don’t have any pages that currently rank well, you have a greater chance of ranking when you choose less competitive, keyword phrases or long-tail keywords related to your niche. Focus on relevant low volume keywords at first and then once they rank well it means you are building authority on that topic. Once you have done that you can focus in on the more competitive high search volume keywords. It applies to writing content for your site or articles as well.
  6. Don’t overuse any keyword phrases in your web page content because search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing consider this spam and although they don’t claim to penalize, it will feel like they do because you will end up with a lower page rank for keyword stuffing/cramming your web page content. This also applies to the blog posts you write. Always strive for high-quality content that will provide value to your readers.
  7. While creating a web page bear it in mind that it is best to use a hyphen rather than an underscore in the URL Because this can result in better search engine optimization and keyword search results. This page is a good example. After the domain URL ending in .com/ you will add the title of this page with a hyphen between each word – “10-must-know-seo-tips-to-boost-your-search-rankings”
  8. Another one of the greatest SEO techniques for best search engine optimization is giving your viewers with content that offers great information, answers to a relevant question, a solution or something that just entertains them. The content must be well crafted, clear & concise, and totally correct. Keep the website frequently up to date with great content and overtime; it could even become an authority website. Answering questions is one of the most powerful methods you can use to write content. For one, it will provide you with endless possibilities for topics to write about when you have difficulty coming up with ideas. You can find excellent sources for questions at Quora as well as Answer The Public mentioned above.
  9. All SEO strategies start at the top of each of your website page. Use your keyword phrase in the first word of the first paragraph on each of your site web pages, like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines focus more on keywords nearby to the top of the page, a lot more than other parts of your website.
  10. Include your keyword phrase in anchor text links for your On-site web content and also within articles, PR releases or blogs. When you get an Off-site anchor text link, it will help you get a backlink from do follow sites, and that subsequently helps boost your page rank. Having more backlinks can and will surely get you better search results.

Also check out our recent post – WHY CONTENT MARKETING IS THE KEY TO GOOD SEO