How to Hire Tech Executives: 5 Crazy Tactics that Work

The process of hiring new employees can be exhausting. In effect, having several interviews in a day and not finding the right employee can be torture. In like manner, when we talk about tech professionals, it is important to realize they are in high demand these days. 

For that reason, as employers are continually looking for tech talent, tech professionals have set higher standards. For tech professionals, good compensation is not enough. For that reason, companies have made changes in their job offers in order to make them more attractive for tech talent.

On the other hand, hiring executives is not an easy task. It is because you have to be aware that you will be interviewing experienced candidates. Consequently, you’ll recruit an individual that will fit a top-level position in your company. As a result, they will have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. For that reason, different methods are required in order to make your job offer more attractive and secure a candidate who fills your needs.

Given these points, here are five crazy tactics that work when hiring tech executive employees.

Define Job Specifications

The first thing you should do when hiring executives is research. Doing research will allow you to know the nature of the job and prepare you to hire the candidate that best fits your company’s needs. 

In like manner, defining the job specifications will allow aspirants to understand what you expect from them. On the other hand, when posting job vacancies, you should provide a detailed job description. In that case, you will be able to find the right candidate not only for your executive position but also for your company culture. In other words, if you need to hire tech professionals like senior software engineers it would help if you let them know what your specific requirements are for the position. In that case, you will need to let them know not only your technical requirements but also personal behavioral expectations.

Take Advantage of Employee Referrals

When recruiting executives, you can’t leave aside networks. You can use connections and relations in your existing executive team to find the right candidate. Try to find employees that can suggest a few candidates that are able to fill your position requirements. In like manner, when it’s about referrals, candidates will feel more confident and will be able to perform better during the interview. In addition to that, it is vital to be transparent during the hiring process.

Apart from that, you probably will need to go beyond to leverage social media connections. For example, when you are trying to hire proficient and experienced web developers, posting a job vacancy won’t be enough. With this in mind, it is crucial to emphasize that tech talent standards are higher these days. For that reason, sometimes you will need to be more personal.

Demonstrate Professionalism

Executive-level tech candidates know that their abilities are valuable. In that case, they like to be discrete and expect professionalism from employers. Most of the executive candidates would instead be contacted through online networks or a private email address than any other channel. However, these days social networks are popular, and tech professionals, like mobile developers, like to show their skills through social media. With this in mind, you can also contact potential executive candidates through their personal social media profiles. Under those circumstances, you’ll still need to let them know that discretion and confidentiality will be maintained during the process.

Express the Value of the Position

As the demand for tech talent has increased, tech professionals have started to be concerned with more than just a salary. In like manner, when professionals reach an executive level, their expectations are even higher. For this reason, they will demand what kind of benefits they will receive apart from their salary. 

Under those circumstances, you will need to increase your benefits package and provide an attractive job offer. To put it differently, Google provides its employees with excellent benefits such as free on-site gym classes, massage therapists, medical benefits and paid paternity/maternity leave benefits. In that case, if you are looking to hire tech professionals like data scientists, for example, you will need to let them know how great their benefits are. Data Scientists have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. For that reason, they won’t accept only monetary benefits. 

Go the Extra Mile 

When it’s about recruiting executive tech talent, you will need to break the ice. In effect, you won’t follow the conventional hiring process. This is because you will need to make changes in order to engage them. Since tech talent is in high demand, it’s probable that they have already received other job offers. 

In that case, you need to make a difference and demonstrate how committed the company is to hire them. Try different methods, allow them to spend face-to-face time with other executive team members. In like manner, implement a personalized hiring experience, make them feel at home. Showing genuine interest in candidates will allow them to feel special. For that reason, you should demonstrate that getting to know them will be meaningful for you.